the speech team
The Speech Team invites viewers into the competitive world of midwestern high school speech teams, capturing students’ journeys as they navigate the high-pressure environment of competitive speech.
speak for yourself.
This documentary highlights the transformative power of effective communication. Through the eyes of the members of the Joliet West High School speech team, among others, the film delves into the anxieties, hopes, and critical issues faced by American youth today. Inspired by documentaries like Spellbound and Girl Talk, Speech! advocates for greater investment in high school speech programs, emphasizing their lifelong benefits and the crucial role of communication in personal and professional development.

“Forensics gives you a sense of confidence in speaking in front of people, a sense of presence, and a sense of pride. It’s about the power of words to influence ideas, to uncover a higher truth, to change minds, and for a lot of people, even to change lives.”
— Oprah Winfrey
director’s statement
Ever since my turn as ‘Novice of the Year’ on Downers Grove North High School’s speech team, I’ve been fascinated by the idea that there are teams of kids who compete in an activity that many people consider to be the most frightening thing imaginable—public speaking.
In a time of endemic anonymous online posting, likes, and takedowns, these students choose to go into a room with their peers and judges, and make their voices heard in an environment in which they expect their performance to be judged and critiqued. Participation in this type of forensics can result in an extremely resilient and well-spoken young adult.
What does the speech team mean in a time when AI is ascendant, global democracies seem to be faltering, and the nation is in the midst of an unprecedented and tumultuous political season?
How are students using the speech team to prepare themselves for adulthood and communicate what’s important to them?